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C rating dune lipo

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C rating dune lipo Empty C rating dune lipo

Message par dboytheman Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:23

hey les gars, le C rating d'une batterie, le C veut dire quoi :p comme le mot que le C représente c'Est quoi ?

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Dort avec son r/c

Messages : 2331
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : Gatineau

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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par D0M Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:25


c'est la décharge de la batterie je crois..

"A battery with a discharge rating of 10C would mean you could discharge it at a rate 10 times more than the capacity of the pack, a 15C pack = 15 times more, a 20C pack = 20 times more, and so on. "

Dernière édition par D0M le Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:27, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 943
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2011
Age : 38
Localisation : Repentigny


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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par dboytheman Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:27

ouais je sais pour ce que le chiffre veut dire Razz Mais la lettre Razz t'es certain de ton affaire la ?? Razz haha

exemple : 5 ampere cest représenté comme 5A alors A= ampere Razz

alors dans 20C le C = Koi ??

Dernière édition par dboytheman le Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:29, édité 1 fois

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Dort avec son r/c

Messages : 2331
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : Gatineau

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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par D0M Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:28

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Dort avec son r/c

Messages : 943
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2011
Age : 38
Localisation : Repentigny


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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par dboytheman Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:33

Merci :p j'ai trouvé sur ton lien Very Happy très apprécié!

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Dort avec son r/c

Messages : 2331
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : Gatineau

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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par D0M Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:39

Pis sa veux dire quoi au final?
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Dort avec son r/c

Messages : 943
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2011
Age : 38
Localisation : Repentigny


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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par Volt-RC Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 23:42

Un extrait du lien....

Remember that third number
I was talking about when you go RC LiPo battery shopping? Yes,
discharge rate is that number. This one is probably the single most over
rated & miss understood of all battery ratings.
rate is simply how fast a battery can be discharged safely. Remember
that ion exchange thing further up the page? Well the faster the ions
can flow from anode to cathode in a battery will indicate the discharge
rate. In the RC LiPo battery world it is called the “C” rating.

What does it mean?
Well Capacity
begins with “C” so that should give you a pretty good idea. A battery
with a discharge rating of 10C would mean you could discharge it at a
rate 10 times more than the capacity of the pack, a 15C pack = 15 times
more, a 20C pack = 20 times more, and so on.
Let's use our 1000
mAh battery as an example; if it was rated at 10C that would mean you
could pull a maximum sustained load up to 10,000 milliamps or 10 amps
off that battery (10 x 1000 milliamps = 10,000 milliamps or 10 amps).
From a time stand point, this equals 166 mAh of draw a minute so the
1000 mAh pack would be exhausted in about 6 minutes.
This is
calculated by first determining the mAh per minute of the pack. 1000 mAh
divided by 60 minutes = 16.6 mAh's per minute. You then multiply that
number by the C rating (10 in this case) = 166 mAh of draw per minute
divided into the packs capacity (1000 mA) = 6.02 minutes.
about a 20C rating on a 2000 mAh battery? 20 x 2000 = 40,000 milliamps
or 40 amps. Time wise, a 40 amp draw on this pack would exhaust it in
about 3 minutes (2000/60= 33.3 multiplied by 20c = 666 mAh per minute -
divided into the packs capacity of 2000 mA = 3 minutes). As you can see,
that is a pretty short flight and unless you are drawing the maximum
power for the entire flight, it is unlikely you would ever come close to
those numbers.
Most RC LiPo Battery packs will show the
continuous C rating and some are now indicating a burst rating as well. A
burst rating indicates the battery discharge rate for short bursts of
extended power. An example might be something like “Discharge rate = 20C
Continuous / 40C Bursts”
The higher the C rating, usually the
more expensive the battery. This is where you can save some money.
Getting a high discharge rated pack when there is no way you could
possibly pull the full amount of power is not required but it won't hurt
either. The most important thing is you can't go with too low a
discharge C rating or you will damage your battery and possibly your ESC
(electronic speed control).
So how do you know what C rating to
get when purchasing your LiPo RC Battery Pack? The easy answer most will
give is to get the largest C rating you can... If money is not an
object I agree with that 100%; but for most folks, especially beginners
& intermediate fliers who won't be performing power hungry 3D
maneuvers - stretching your RC battery budget by purchasing lower C
rated packs so you can get a few extra packs makes much more sense in
my opinion.
20C to 25C discharge rated packs are the norm for most
250-400 size electric helicopters with general to light sport flying in
mind. For larger birds, 25C to 30C discharge rated packs are a safe bet
(again for normal to light sport). Once up to aggressive sport or 3D,
that is where the 35C to 45C discharge rated packs come into play.
this said, RC LiPo packs are coming down in price all the time. If you
find a 30C pack for the same price as a 20C when that is all you need,
go for the 30C pack - it will run cooler and most likely last a little
longer. Like most things, pushing a Lipo pack hard close to its limits
will wear it out in short order. Having wiggle room on the high side
will ensure that won't happen.
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Dort avec son r/c

Messages : 1728
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2011
Age : 59
Localisation : Trois-Rivières

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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par dboytheman Jeu 12 Jan 2012 - 0:49

lol Capacity

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Dort avec son r/c

Messages : 2331
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : Gatineau

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C rating dune lipo Empty Re: C rating dune lipo

Message par Daddydan Jeu 12 Jan 2012 - 10:06

5A a 20C continue donne 100A de capacité
30C 150A etc

ampere x C = Capacité de décharge

Messages : 26826
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2010
Age : 44
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