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Transmission de Slash 2WD

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Transmission de Slash 2WD Empty Transmission de Slash 2WD

Message par Buddha Lun 30 Mai 2011 - 11:54

Has anyone ever had a bent slipper clutch shaft or had to replace it? (P/N 3793)
My Slash made a minor clicking since I bought it new. It started to get a lot worse and louder. I dissasembled the slipper to find that the slipper back plate had a defect. it was thicker in one area and you could see the alloy had small cracking and defects in that area. I called traxxas and they sent me out a new slipper assembly, spur and pinion. After re-assembling the new parts and adjusting the mesh, with a tick af play, The mesh gets tighter in certain spots of rotatation of the spur. I have meassured all of the slipper pads and they are within 0.001" of each other.
At this point I am suspecting the slipper shaft has a minor bend in it.
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Messages : 1516
Date d'inscription : 23/01/2011
Age : 52
Localisation : Montreal

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Transmission de Slash 2WD Empty Re: Transmission de Slash 2WD

Message par Daddydan Mar 31 Mai 2011 - 15:13

i had to replace mine once!

Messages : 26826
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Joliette


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