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fs-gt3b Empty fs-gt3b

Message par freakqc Ven 4 Jan 2013 - 10:31

salut, je madresse a tous ceux qui ont une flysky gt3b.

depuis un ptit bout on dirait que mon channel 2 est désajuster.
quand on set le EPA il faut peser sur la gachette pour ajuster le foward et tirer pour ajuster le back..

la mienne se remet toujours sur le back sans que je tire la gachette... et elle ne faisait pas ca avant.

dautre personnes ont eu un probleme semblable?

je met un lien qui montre mon probleme un peu.

pensez vous que de hacker le firmware pourrait regler mon probleme?
je crois que le hack permet d'ajouter un deadzone sur les channel... ca pourrait m'aider..

Messages : 437
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2012
Age : 42
Localisation : ste-marthe-sur-le-lac

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fs-gt3b Empty Re: fs-gt3b

Message par freakqc Ven 4 Jan 2013 - 11:23

bon bin en fouillant un peu plus jai reussi a regler mon probleme.
voici ce que jai fait, si ca peut en aider dautres.

Did You know about GT3B service menu ?

service menu (calibrate steering+throttle, check buttons, check display):
when in main screen (that one after power on), turn steering wheel full to the right and press ENTER
now You can see raw value from steering wheel (turn wheel and see values)
press END to toggle between steering wheel and throttle control values
You can calibrate steering and throttle now:
if needed, switch (END button) to steering wheel values
leave steering in the midle and press ENTER
turn steering full to left and press ENTER
turn steering full to right and press ENTER
now switch to throttle (END button)
do the same for midle, full forward and full backward (position + ENTER)
press BACK button and new calibrated values will be saved to EEPROM
----- some comments ------
order of those previous ENTER-s are not important
also it can be done more times for the same position
when You didn't do all 6 (3 for steer, 3 for throttle) calibratings, ERR will be shown after pressing BACK and calibrate will continue
if You don't want to save new values, turn GT3B off
You can also check trim and dual-rate switches, just switch it and it will show You on LCD which switch it is
and after pressing Channel3 button, all segments of LCD will be set ON (do it after trim/dualrate switch and it will stay on LCD, else it will return to showing steer/throttle values)

Messages : 437
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2012
Age : 42
Localisation : ste-marthe-sur-le-lac

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